«Спасибо за уверенность»
Gulsunoy Mamatova, a resident of one of the villages of Khuroson district, like all the girls dreamed of her future, imagined a big, united family.
My dream came true, I got married, gave birth 4 children, - says one of the successful clients of the organization. My husband worked on a farm, I led a household, brought up children. I tried to instill in my daughters love for hard work, respect for elders. Son from childhood raised animals. In 2010, my husband received the first loan in "Humo", bought 4 bulls for fattening and further resale. On the proceeds, we bought the necessary seasonal clothes for the children. The house that we inherited was completely emaciated. The girls grew up; the matchmakers often came to us. The husband, despite his health undermined by hard work, went to work in Russia. Children really missed their father, when he returned from Russia our son did not leave him for a step. I will never forget that day. On a hot summer day, in June 2013, when a neighbor came to our yard, I felt that something was bad. Neighbor approached me and his son and said that the father of my children was killed. Overnight, I was left alone with three daughters of marriageable age and teenage son. After the funerals, the neighbors and relatives dispersed, the house was empty. There was no way to wait for help. I do not want to recall all the difficulties that our family suffered. But when I came to the office of the organization to get advice on obtaining a loan, having received a loan, I felt calm, I felt self-confidence. Due to the small and most importantly, unsecured loans obtained in "Humo", Gulsunoy was able to give daughters in marriage.
Gulsunoy modestly talks about her business; she and her son raise cows, sheep and goats.
I fulfilled my maternal duty to my daughters, I am confident of my future. Days and months pass, but when I hear the word "Humo" or pass by the offices of the organization, I have a feeling of confidence in the future. For this confidence, I would like to say thank you to all Humo staff.